Aibileen Clark's The Help

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Set in Jackson, Mississippi during the 1960s “The Help” is an inspiring story that teaches numerous important lessons. The book focuses on Eugenia Phelan, better known as “Skeeter” and Aibileen Clark’s relationship, which was particularly surprising, notwithstanding, together they wrote a book called “Help”. As you read you learn various different lessons, but the obvious lesson is that we should dare to be different and change the status quo, you might have a bigger impact than you think you could. Daring to be different is frightening, some people will drive against you and try to bring you down, however, this book shows that it can yield amazing results. Throughout the book women are ruled by society, colored women are told they are supposed …show more content…

A seemingly unlikely pair, they are drawn together by the one common interest; their love of writing. While they do have writing in common there is still some contrast; Skeeter was able to finish school and obtained a degree in English and Journalism whereas Aibileen was forced drop out of school when she was a child to help support her family. Subsequently she “writes an hour, sometimes two every day” so that she stays sharp. (175) Aibileen was apprehensive of her relationship with Skeeter, she worried that she could not truly trust her and that she would be in trouble, but as they continued to write the book Aibileen knew she would need to put her trust in Skeeter. Trusting Skeeter was especially difficult since she was telling Skeeter stories she had never told anyone before, such as why she writes every day. In the end Aibileen and Skeeter helped each other. After the book was published Skeeter tells Aibileen that she acquired “a job offer at Harper’s Magazine in New York as a copy editor’s assistant.” (499). She also tells her that she “went to the paper on Friday and quit” and told Mr. Golden that she believed Aibileen should take her spot. (512) Skeeter acquired Aibileen a job at the newspaper, for a black woman during this time to acquire a job at a white newspaper, earning as much as Skeeter had before been unheard of. Attaining a job at the newspaper was the beginning of a new life and due to the fact that she was going to be earning money she quit her job with Mrs. Leefolt, thus Mae Mobley was her last kid. Aibileen and Skeeter had a positive relationship and effect on one another, they pushed each other and together stood up for what they believed was right no matter the