
Aileen Wuornos: The Perfect Serial Murderer

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There are several known factors and reasons people turn out the way they do as adults. They have social influence as well as individual influence. You can have good or bad experiences and turn out good or bad because you can choose to learn from your experiences in life. Depending on your genetic makeup, however you might not turn out the way you would expect. Aileen Wuornos had the perfect combination of genetic makeup, social factors and individual factors that made her into the perfect serial murderer. One of the social factors that affected Aileen was her family structure. First off, Aileen was the product of a troubled marriage between Leo Dale Pittman, a psychopathic child molester, and Diane Wuornos, a feckless teen mother quite incapable …show more content…

For instance, the victims in Aileen’s case were said to be older men that reminded her of her father who physically and psychologically abused her during her childhood. There was also rumors that he was the father of her child. There was other rumors that is was a friend of her grandfathers who fathered her child. There is a lot of theories out there as to why she chose the victims that she did. Only she could tell us why and with her track record of telling the truth, it would be hard to judge if she was being honest or not. In several incidents she would contradict her own story saying it was self-defense, then in another interview say that it was cold blooded murder, and following it up with yet another interview saying it was self-defense. Although, when she was asked about the subject of her father she had said he was a good man, mean and strict but, a good man. She denied the rumors of the sexual abuse from him as well. All of the men were said to be targeted for reasons of robbery. She needed money or property to sell to make money in order to pay rent or buy food or alcohol. Aileen had a long criminal history, which is more typical in a male serial killer profile, most of her charges would stem from her profession as a prostitute, her aggression and anger problems, and other chargers were just outright disregard for any authority. She …show more content…

I don’t think it was one specific thing that set her over the edge but a string of dramatic life events that caused her to become the “monster” society and the media labeled her as. From an early age, she was unwanted by her biological mother or father. She was then adopted by her grandparents, who alone had their own issues, and took them out on her and her brother Keith. Aileen took the brunt of the force because she had to endure the sexual trauma from her grandfather which made her promiscuous and pretty much taught her that her body was not sacred to anyone. That is why she had no self-confidence and ended up prostituting for money and material things because she was used as a pawn from an early age. Although she never heard what her mother had said in an interview, When Broomfield interviewed her mother right before Aileen’s execution, the last words of her was, “do you know when her exact execution is? I’ll sleep better then.” Despite after hearing, apparently for the first time, that Aileen was kicked out of the house as a young teen and slept outside in the snow, as well as her other horrifying tumult during her childhood. Having previously been a ward of the state, Wuornos subsisted on a vagabond existence as an adult, hitchhiking and engaging in sex work to survive (Biography.com Editors). There are several scenarios that might have

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