
The Effects Of Divorce On Children

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The number of relationships ending in divorce is rapidly increasing year after year. “Divorce is a life-transforming experience. After divorce, childhood is different. Adolescence is different. Adulthood—with the decision to marry or not and have children or not—is different. Whether the outcome is good or bad, the whole trajectory of an individual’s life is profoundly altered by the divorce experience.”(1) Children who experience family breakdown problems are more likely to be effected then children who grow up with two happy parents. Divorce impacts many different aspects of a childs life, including school, emotional, physical, and social.

An article from BBC News states that children dealing with a divorce or family breakdown …show more content…

This chapter talks about the effects on a child’s health, social aspect, and emotional aspect. This book, although stating the many negative effects a divorce may have on a child, results by saying that some children are impacted more because of the problems they face before a divorce even occurs. High conflict and low conflict marriage can be a cause of how much impact divorce has on a child. This source explains that children living with high conflict marriage (parents who openly fight in front of children) are actually less impacted than children living with low conflict marriage (parents who fight quietly and away from children). This is because children who witness fighting, screaming, and even sometimes abuse, might understand and realize divorce is the best thing for the family, but children who don't see their parents fighting will have a harder time understanding and realizing what is best. This article states that “Children of divorce are 2–3 times more likely to experience a divorce themselves compared to children who did not experience a divorce growing up.”(3) This chapter also talks about ways a divorce affects children after the separation. A 2008 survey done in California concluded that out of 2000 people, 2 out of 3 would say their child was negatively impacted by divorce. Janet, a mother who went through …show more content…

I found my a few of my newspaper articles on google. I searched up Divorce effects on children newspaper article and found a bunch of different articles from different newspapers. I sorted through and found the most reliable newspapers and chose articles that closely related to my topic. Another way I found my data was by going to Google Scholar and looking up journals and books. I found many informative lengthy books about divorce that contained chapters specifically about children and the effects. Lastly, I found a few sources by going to the database search on the St. Clair Library

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