Air Pollution Is Still Killing People In The Us By Justin Worland

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In the article, “Air Pollution Is Still Killing People in the United States” written by Justin Worland, its focuses on the harmful effects of air pollution, specifically occurring within the United States. Although the United States have just the right amount against any harmful health effects, it still can be improved. It briefly mentions that air pollution is one of the leading causes of premature deaths within the United States, due to the higher concentrations of pollutants in the air. For the past couple of years, the air pollution levels have declined because of the Clean Air Act. The Clean Air Act is basically a United States federal law that is designed protect human health and the environment from the air pollution. However, not all cities can meet the air quality standards, but even so, those standards will not be enough to lower the premature mortality rates. Additionally, with the …show more content…

We discussed externalities, which are benefits that affect a party that did not have the choice to choose their involvement. The best example to externality would be pollution. As we went through the chapter, pollution is basically everywhere within our environment. The government can provide a solution for dealing with pollution through different approaches, such as setting limitations on standards. These standards can also result in market inefficiencies. Secondly, the government can set up taxes or tradeable emissions to reduce the negative externalities. However, externalities can sometimes be solved privately. By using the Coase theorem, it suggests that there can be an efficient solution as long as the costs of the individuals making the deal are sufficiently low. This theorem would generally be a hard reach to bargain since there would be different parties that have different opinions. With this article, it shows the current state of our country and how the government is dealing with the pollution in our

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