Al Capone: Supreme Court Case

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In regards to the pretrial steps of the 1931 Case, there seemed to only have, as Nesson describes, Complaint and Discover (1-47. The complaint would be tax evasion against the federal government (, “(1931) Al Capone”) while the discovery would be the witnesses and physical evidence gained to prepare the case (, “(1931) Al Capone”). In addition, there were arraignments, since Capone originally pleaded guilty; (, “Al Capone”) however, pretrial motions could be found in the research. The case was not held local or state court; it was done in federal court (, “Al Capone”). With regards to the courtroom group, the prosecution lawyers are Grossman and Clawson (, “All Capone Trial (1931)”) Also, the the defense attorneys for the case were Fink and Ahern (, “All Capone Trial (1931)”), while the judge presiding, was Judge Wilkerson (, “(1931) Al Capone”). …show more content…

The size of jury came to be twelve jurors (Library of Congress, Group portrait of the twelve-man jury selected for the income tax evasion trial of Al Capone. 1931). However, in regards to gender and racial composition, there were Caucasian males deciding a case of another Caucasian male ((Library of Congress, Group portrait of the twelve-man jury…) yet there is no sign of preferential treatment. Unfortunately, no opening statements could be found; however as mentioned earlier, the Mattingly Letter was an interesting piece of evidence due to the fact that is was used against Al Capone, when its original attempt was to save him (, “(1931) Al