The Lindbergh Case: Bruno Richard Hauptmann

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This is my persanl anylisa on the Lindbergh case and how the police, courts, and corrections play a role in the case. The police conducted investagations on the case that lead to the arest of Bruno Richard Hauptmann. Then came corrections who kept the suspect at the time Bruno Richard Hauptmann in custody while he was going through the court process. Now we have have courts they place him at the crime scene and used the evidence to prove Bruno Richard Hauptmann is guilty. Last the corrections play another factor in the case were the carried out Bruno Richard Hauptmann 's sentancing. These are the roles that the police, courts, and courrections played in the case. Now I will go into more detail explaining the roles with key facts about the case. …show more content…

One week into the investigation, Lindbergh was contacted by John F Condon, who offered his services as a ransom intermediary. From this point on, any communication of ransom demands and the child’s where were addressed to Condon as a go between. On April 2, 1932, Condon and Lindbergh went to St Raymond’s Cemetery, where a $50,000 ransom with marked bills was paid to the kidnappers. Lindbergh and Condon were told where to find the baby however the child was not at the designated location. For the next several weeks, Colonel Lindbergh worked tirelessly with police to locate his missing son. On May 12, 1932, a shocking discovery was made, Charles A. Lindbergh Jr. was found dead in a wooded area a couple miles from the Lindbergh estate in Hopewell. Charles Lindbergh and Betty Gow both confirmed the child’s identification and by his clothing worn at the …show more content…

On October 8,1934 Hauptmann is indicted for murder and his trial began in January 3,1935. The case used circumstanul evidance. A wood expert confirmed the markings on the wood board that was used in the kidnap ladder matched those of Hauptmann’s tools in his garage. A important piece of evidence was that Hauptmann not being able to provide an alibi on the night of the kidnapping. Experts testifed that Hauptmann wrote the ransom notes his handwriting samples matched. Lindbergh and Condon both identified Bruno Richard Hauptmann as the person who they exchanged the ransom with at the Cemetery. Another key point used was the discovery of the ransom money in his possession. The courts also pointed out during a two year period during the depression when Hauptmann had no job he continued to live beyond his means with traveling to and from Florida. Hauptmann also had past criminal record of many charge he was also a illegal citzen did not help his defense. on Febuary 13,1935 the jury reached a verdict Bruno Richard Hauptmann was guilty of murder. the defense appealed.October 9, 1935 The Supreme Court of New Jersey upheld the verdict. Hauptmann 's apeal to the Suppreme Court was denied on December 9th, 1935 now we move the corrections side. Bruno Richard Hauptmann was set to be electrocuted on January 17, 1936. But due the Govener of New Jersey granted a 30 day reprive and on February 17,1936 Bruno Richard