Albert Einstein Genes: Nature Vs. Nurture

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Nature vs. nurture Most of the people knew that Albert Einstein Genes were fascinating, but did they know that he was raised in a difficult environment where he chose to test the limits of his intelligence and that was the reason for his success. According to (TheFreeDictionary, 2015) that the definition of nature is “the complement of genetic material that partly determines the structure of an organism”. And, the definition of nurture is “The sum of environmental influences and conditions acting on an organism, especially in contrast to heredity “. That 's mean that nurture refers to how your childhood had been. A person could have genes which give him a normal height, but with malnourished it will stunt growth and cause a failure to develop as expected. According to Teen Ink website that it 's all started when characters, intelligence and certain ideas where being assumed by the Greek philosopher Plato that they are inborn. Nurture has a significant impact on our intelligence and behavior. Environmental factors have an effect on our life too. Environment affects our life significantly. Researchers at the University of Liverpool found that the main reason for having mental illness is life events and experiences, such as childhood bullying and abuse, the second predictor is having a history of mental health conditions (Anonymous, 2015). They suggested that nurturing has a big role in developing mental health issues. According to good therapy website that a