Nature And Nurture: Physical And Motor Development

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CDL Assignment Q3. How do nature and nurture interact with one another to determine the development of an individual? Discuss with specific reference to physical and motor development. The interaction between nature and nurture play an important role in determining the development of an individual as they are interrelated and it is a dynamic interplay between the genes and the external environment which begins at conception and continuous throughout one’s life due to the nature of adaptability and plasticity we as humans possess. Nurture is more of the social environment which surrounds a child from birth to independence and these include interaction with parents, siblings and immediate family and as the child grows it extends to teachers …show more content…

Thus when we talk of development we need to understand the patterns of biological, cognitive and socioemotional changes that a child goes through from birth to lifespan which is why it is important to introduce a child to age appropriate education else a child may not be able to pick up for eg if we introduce a child to writing at an early age he may not be able to do so as he is still developing his fine motor skills. When we talk of biological development it’s the changes in physical growth of the child and is genetically inherited and will also include the brain and motor skill, cognitive will emphasise the child’s ability to think, language development and problem solving skills and the socioemotional development will look at the child’s relationship with other people and changes in ones emotions and personality. There are various stages of development like infancy from birth to about 24 months where the child is completely dependent on the adult where many activities like language development, sensory and motor coordination , social interaction and …show more content…

One of the important aspects is the motor development a process by which the child acquires movement patterns and skills and many factors contribute to this such as genetics, size of the child at birth, nutrition, social class ethnicity and culture. Physical development include both gross motor development which includes the use of large muscles like legs for running and arms for throwing and fine motor development like smiling ,tying school lace picking a fork , drawing with crayons and building blocks .Many studies have shown that physical activities enhance cognitive development like ability to think and problem solving skills ,which require stimulation in the environment like if you give a child a plate and a spoon the child will soon realise that hitting the plate with a spoon will produce sound similarly playing with water like filling the balloon with water will help improve hand eye coordination .activities like learning to