Nature Vs Nurture Essay Examples

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It is pretty hard to unpack the influences in my life that have made me into the person I am today in a two-page paper. However, after thinking about it for a long time I could see a pattern of certain influences that kept coming up when I thought about who I am today and what made me into the person I am. After several unsuccessful attempts to rank the influences based on importance I decided merge them into two major themes. If I was to tell a complete stranger what the source of my skills, principles, and attitudes were; I would have to say they are attributed to my family and my extracurricular activities. These may seem like 2 very broad categories, but at the end of the day they are what shaped me into the person I am today. After 21 …show more content…

nurture lens can really put into perspective the level of influence they have had on me. My parents have always been very bold and daring, this is something I see in myself to an extent and I think this defines the nature aspect because this is a quality that inherited from them rather than acquired based on the way they raised me. My parents both graduated from college in India during a time when pursuing higher education was not the norm. My dad has a master's in chemical engineering and my mother holds a bachelor's in psychology because of this they have always stressed the importance of grades and school. This is why I am very school oriented and have very high goals and aspirations. When looking back at how nature vs. nurture play a role into things; I can see that I have inherited my parents risk taking but based on the way I was raised I have modified it into taking calculated and well thought out risks that always possess more benefits than risks. For example, I purposely chose to apply to medical schools early even though I had not intent of going right after I graduated. I ultimately want to be accepted to a MD/MBA program and I know with my current qualifications I do not make the best candidate but I still chose to apply to my top schools so