Nature Vs Nurture Gender

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Hamna Iqbal Baig Ms. Maria Kamal English Writing Skills November 26th, 2014 Outline Nature vs. Nurture Thesis statement: Nurture dominates nature in determining gender roles. Gender roles are socially constructed and are acquired through the process of socialization. . Nature is a key determinant of gender roles. Chromosomes make up, certain hormones and genitals account for the differences in sex. Sex then determines gender roles. . Sex is biologically determined. The chromosome XX for women and XY for men determines their sex. . Behavioral differences are innate. E.g. Chomsky (1965) argues that acquisition of language is innate. . Parsons (1959) and Tiger and Fox (1972) believes that women are bioprogrammed for the rearing and socializing …show more content…

Nurture Nurture dominates nature in determining gender roles One of the oldest arguments is the nature vs. nurture debate in determining gender roles. However, by now it has been established that both nature and nurture plays a role in determining gender roles. The question arises which one dominates the other. It is important to know the difference between the two terms Sex and Gender first. According to sexologists John Money and Anke Ehrhardt, sex and gender are separate categories. “Sex, they argued, refers to physical attributes and is anatomically and physiologically determined. Gender they saw as a psychological transformation - the internal conviction that one is either male or female (gender identity) and the behavioral expressions of that conviction” (Sterling 4). Although there are biological differences between the two sexes, but gender roles are socially constructed. They determine how males and females should think, speak, dress, behave and interact with society. Richard Dawkins states in his book, The Selfish Gene that we are merely a product of our genes and our main purpose in life is to serve the genes, become distribution agents and ensure their continuance (Nye, Savage and Watts 273) . However, those on the side of nurture believe that human mind is a blank state which is gradually filled as a result of experience (Mc …show more content…

Margaret Mead’s (1935) classic study of sex and temperament in three New Genuia cultures clearly showed it. “Mead found out, that among the Arapesh, both men and women were cooperative, nonaggressive and responsive to the need of others . . . In contrast, both genders among the Mundugumor were expected to be fierce, ruthless and aggressive. Among the Tchambuli there was a complete reversal of the male – female temperaments considered usual in our society; that is, females were the dominant, impersonal partners who were aggressive food providers, whereas males were less responsible, more emotionally determined . . . “(Ferraro, Andreatta 263). Hence, Mead argued that when in one culture both sexes can possess the same temperament and in another when the roles can be reversed, then it is pointless to say that gender roles are biologically