Alcatraz: Frank Morris And The Anglin Brothers

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Crunch!!!, the raft had just made landfall that one fateful night. Three men had just done the impossible, escaped from Alcatraz Prison. Frank Morris and the Anglin brothers escaped Alcatraz on June 11, 1962. Alcatraz, the maximum security prison was said to be inescapable. Many people had tried to escape but ultimately they all failed, or did they? I know Frank Morris and the Anglin brothers successfully escaped from Alcatraz because there were multiple eyewitnesses who claimed to see them after their escape, and the mythbusters proved it was possible, and their raft was found on shore. Many people claimed to have seen or been in contact with Frank and the Anglin brothers after their escape. According to, their families say that they got letters from them. People also say that they saw them in parks and other places. …show more content…

The way that they proved it was possible, was by replicating the escape. They tracked down the fabric that the escapees used. Then they used plaster to glue all of the pieces together. After that, they got an accordion and modified it to inflate the boat. Finally they actually used that boat to sail to the Golden Gate Bridge. They said that they were pretty sure that they could have survived.
According to “Scope Magazine”, their raft was found along with their life preservers on Angel Island. There were also footprints leading away from the raft. I think that that is the most convincing piece of evidence.
Some people think that they did die. The reason that those people think that they died is because there was a body in the bay that looked like it was wearing prison clothes. But the police never identified the body. Another reason people think they died is they say that the currents would suck them down. That is simply not true. Two ten year olds made the swim, and they didn't even have a raft! There are just too little evidence to say they’re