Alcohol Addiction And Gender Essay

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Alcohol Addiction and Gender In my life, I have been surrounded by family members who have been constant users of alcohol. Seeing my my Uncle’s lay sleeping on the couch, having the foul smell associated with alcohol, have become the “Usual” site when visiting my uncle's. Both of my Grandfather’s died from excessive alcohol use, but before that, they had left my grandmother’s and they became single mothers. Why? Why is it just the men? As I have matured, I have made connections or factors contributing to alcohol addiction. I believe that men are more likely to become addicted to alcohol because of their environment and the individual's’ way of resolving problems. Alcohol Addiction is the inability to manage drinking habits and the individual …show more content…

Alcohol and as well other drugs, can mask feelings and memory of experiences. When people frequently use alcohol, the result could be a loss of a job and destroyed relationships. This adds more problems and stress to the individual. If addicts know of no other way to deal with these issues, it’s a downward spiral into addiction.
I have spoken to my family members whom are addicted to alcohol, particularly one I believe has the most severe addiction, and he constantly tells me his about his childhood. He said he had to grow up fast, and was often bullied because of his name. My Aunt was also a drinker in high school, and even dropped out of high school to continue a lifestyle of partying, her and my uncle both had the same family experiences; but my Aunt eventually stopped drinking alcohol when she was young and now lives a normal lifestyle. However, my Uncle did not.
No matter what gender, alcohol affects all. It can destroy any relationship and hinder a person’s well being. The process in which someone is raised and their experiences, can lead a person to addiction, if they discover alcohol’s ability to mask emotion. The way an individual copes with stress can either be healthy or unhealthy. In my experiences, an unhealthy coping method is the one most