
Effects Of Drinking Age Essay

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Stress & Drinking 30 percent of teenagers report that they started drinking before they are in the 8th grade (“Itmatters”). Alcohol can be used for medical purposes it can be used to clean wounds before operation or equipment before performing needed surgery. The drinking age has been debated since the 1980s. This has been an issue because you can enlist in the military, strike legal binding deals,take out a loan, vote and hold public office. So it's possible for an 18 year old to be held responsible for his or hers actions in any possible way but you can’t buy a beer. In most other countries the drinking age goes with the age of majority. The constitution only mentions legal age once and that's in the 26th amendment. The drinking age in …show more content…

If your smaller in height and size the body feels drunk faster since you have less tissue to absorb the alcohol. If the body is not done growing yet you feel it faster than a fully grown general sized person. Age also plays a factor since younger people get drunk quicker. Young people bodies are not meant to deal with alcohol and all of it's implications. If you are female you get drunk quicker than a male who is the same size and height as you. So even gender plays a role in dealing with alcohol and the effects it has on the human body. Alcohol carries a heavy sentence that most people do not think about when deciding if it's okay or not to drunk. If a person would not do cocaine or heroin then they should not drink. They are both drugs and both shorten your lifespan. This 21 year old has been treated like a kid for so many years of their life it's ridiculous to ask them to know what to do as an adult and everything that title carries with just 3 years in between 18 and 21. Stress is bad for you it puts too much pressure on the body to perform the most basic task. Alcohol is not one of those things that if you consume too much of you can just deal with the effects like over eating. It has the chance to kill the person driving or another innocent

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