
Should Drinking Age Be Raised To 21

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Alcohol is the second most frequently consumed drug after tobacco. It is one of the most socially accepted drugs, but many people are unaware of the serious consequences that drinking alcohol can have. Recently in Australia, there have been calls to raise the legal drinking age to 21 to ensure that those drinking are more mature and responsible. This area is interesting because the effects that alcohol has on the body can be extremely varied and dangerous, sometimes even fatal. This essay will discuss 2 points both for and against the legal drinking age being raised to 21. Alcohol, although consumed regularly for many people can lead to a multitude of serious medical conditions. There are several long term effects such as fatty liver problems, …show more content…

This can cause people to trip and fall, injuring themselves. Being drunk also impairs the cognitive function of the brain, impairing people’s decision making. Without their sensible side, people can get into fights or say things they wouldn't say normally. Alcohol, a drug is classified as a depressant, meaning that you feel sleepy and more relaxed when you consume it. Alcohol is a factor in about 60% of fatal burn injuries, drownings and homicides. It is a factor in about 50% of severe trauma injuries and sexual assaults and 40% of fatal motor vehicle crashes, suicides and fatal falls. Drinking alcohol can irritate the stomach lining, causing pain, vomiting and/or diarrhoea. Loss of the balance of electrolytes and pH due to the kidney being affected by …show more content…

Many young Australians have already been consuming alcohol under the age limit and increasing the age limit could simply increase the amount of underage drinking. Research has found under-age drinkers contributed $107 million in federal taxes from downing 175 million standard drinks a year. This shows how much alcohol underage drinkers consume. There are more efficient ways to decrease the negative effects of alcohol consumption, especially in those underage. Education would be a better way to reduce the effects of alcohol. If we educate our youth, they will ignore alcohol until they are 18, and even then, they can be educated on drink driving. It will be a much more efficient way to decrease alcohol related

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