
Alcohol Should Stay At 21 Persuasive Essay

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Alcohol should be band till you are 21 in Canada

Alcohol should be band till you're 21 in Canada, because researchers say a teens brain is still developing till they are 20, so if the drinking age is raised to 21 all of the teens that drink pass that age 21 would be able to make better decisions than drinking at 19 years of age. This would reduce the amount of drunk drivers and deaths from people under the influence. Alcohol abuse can lead to long term health issues or death. Now the next sentence will tell you the facts to support it.

Alcohol should be band because every day, 28 people in the United States die in vehicle crashes that involve an impaired driver. This number would be reduced by a lot if the drinking age was raised to 21. In canada 4 people die every day that involve an impaired …show more content…

This can also lead to depression and dementia. Alcohol can also lead to loss of consciousness,coma and death” this is also according to (dosomething.com 4/23/2018) here are the thing that alcohol can help you with.

“Drinking two units of alcohol per day can reduce the risk of gallstones by one-third” according to researchers at the University of East Anglia. Also having 1-2 drinks can decrease the chance of type 2 diabetes. This could help some people but drinking can lead to liver failure. In the next paragraph this will tell you about the percent of people who drink under age

Every year 80% of college aged students have openly admit to drinking alcohol once in there life. Most to all of those students have cars and a drunk driver and a motorised vehicle don’t mix. But it gets worse. ⅔ high school aged students have been intoxicated that is bad. On top of that 70% of 18 year olds have drunk alcohol and got addicted to it and drinking can lead to depression or suicide. Now for the

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