Lowering The Drinking Age Essay

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Should the government lower the drinking age? There are many reasons to lower the drinking age, but there are many reasons not to.

You know that girl at the party that was drinking till she nearly passed out? She was only 16 and had her whole life ahead of her, she died in a drunk driving accident, when she was swerving in and out of her lane and struck the side of a another car and then she flew out of the car about 10ft ahead of where the car was. The main problem is car accidents, illegal parties and many more. The consequences of underage drinking can affect everyone regardless of age or drinking status. There’s a freedom that many teens feel when they get their driver’s license. It is a feeling of independence and in most cases invincibility. In an ideal society, teens would wait until they are of legal age to consume alcohol before having their first drink. Should the minimum legal drinking age be lowered to 18?
Underage drinking is a serious public health …show more content…

Underage drinking accounts for 11 percent of all the alcohol consumed in the United States, SAMHSA notes. More than one in five kids 12 and younger has consumed alcohol. By high school, two out of three teens has, a new study reports. The problem is many teens do not stop at a few sips. They binge. But among drinkers, teens are more likely than adults to binge, Siqueira notes. Some 28 to 60 percent of teens who drink report binge drinking. 9 out of 10 drinks downed by people under age 21 are binge drinking, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Teens often start drinking because they are curious and experimenting. That occurs even though alcohol has a stronger effect in adolescents than it does in adults. Teens who binge drink are more likely to become