Lowering The Drinking Age To 18 Essay

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Teens And Drinking There has been controversy for many years about should the drinking age be lowered to 18 in the United states like most of the world has done or should it remain at 21 like it always has been in the U.S. In 1999 New Zealand lowered their drinking age to 18 but due to an increase in teen car accidents it was then raised back to 21. Also some European countries such as France and Great Britain have been showing more concern about high alcohol among teens they conducted a study to be a role model for other countries but it has been seen that teens are drinking a lot more. Teen’s have been breaking the law for years by getting fake Id’s so they can get into bars or go and buy alcohol to go party with other underage drinkers. Although many people argue that the drinking age should be lowered to 18 many feel that …show more content…

In recent studies it has been proven that binge drinking in teens leads to slowing down the rate of which your brain develops. Since the 1990’s little progress has been made on lowering the limit of binge drinking teen’s. Even though colleges and communities could do a number of things to help they haven't and probably never will. Binge drinking has caused many deaths to college students. “ Binge drinkers consume a reported 91% of all alcohol used among the college population and frequent binge drinkers consume 68% of this amount with half of these frequent binge drinkers reporting 5 or more different alcohol-related problems”. Say’s Drew K. Saylor, BA. “ Such heavy alcohol use among American college students has received considerable attention because of high-alcohol related morbidity and mortality, and is widely considered a public health concern with serious immediate and long term consequences”. (Drew K. Saylor, BA) Not only does this affect college students physically it also brings down their grades it also would affect social relationships among