Should Minimum Drinking Age Be Twenty-5 Essay

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Should the minimum drinking age be twenty-five? People often agree to either having the minimum drinking age to be twenty-one or at least eighteen but an age mostly recommended by the neuroscience department, for obvious reasons, is twenty-five and here are the pros of having the minimum drinking age at twenty-five and the cons of having the drinking age any lower then twenty- five and how it affects teens definitely at this point in time.

Most people have probably been told that alcohol kills brain cells which is why the minimum drinking age is at twenty-one because that is when the brain should be fully developed; in reality the brain hasn't fully developed till age twenty-five so if you drink any alcohol before age twenty-five it can …show more content…

Teen drinking is a problem definitely to high school students who believe they need to drink because of their stressful lives. making the drinking age to Twenty-five might not diminish teen drinking but it might reduce it, a teen might still think since the age was risen that there might be a bigger consequence for under age drinkers. At this time there is someone in the United States becoming intoxicated To some people alcohol is like a drug and people who drink as a teenager are more likely to try actual drugs like marijuana or cocaine. " In some parts of Europe there is not a drinking age, why can't the US be like Europe." This statement is true, most parts of Europe might not have a drinking age, however, that is not always good thing definitely since there is no age restriction kids can easily receive alcohol. In the parts of Europe that doesn't have a drinking age teens under thirteen become easily intoxicated and more likely to have an addiction due to having easy access to alcohol. This is a problem we can avoid here in the united states by increasing the drinking age we can create smarter Americans, reduce traffic accident fatalities, and reduce violence in the society and possibly reduce the activities of domestic violence since domestic violence is mostly caused by a parent or a sibling abusing alcohol and then becoming