Binge Drinking In College Essay

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When the topic “college” is brought up, many things come to mind. One main thing that comes to mind is the parties, and where there is a party, there is alcohol. The alcohol culture, or “binge-drinking” culture has always been associated with college and has changed much along the years; more for the worse. Despite decades of research, hundreds of campus task forces and millions invested in bold experiments, college drinking in the United States remain as much of a problem as ever. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, more than 1,800 students die every year of alcohol-related causes. An additional 600 thousand are injured while drunk, and nearly 100 thousand become victims of sexual assault. College administrators’ …show more content…

Quick one on one and online counseling sessions have become popular ways for universities to address the dangers associated with heavy drinking, For instance, the University of Mississippi requires all first year freshmen to complete a “Campus Clarity” course, which educates students on not only the alcohol culture, but the hook up culture and drug culture as well. Most colleges tend to focus heavily on educating young women on how to not get sexual assaulted rather than trying to teach young men how to not sexually assault. People often blame the victims by criticizing their use of alcohol and how much alcohol they are consuming. In the Stanford University case a freshman at the time, Brock Turner sexually assaults an unconscious woman following a fraternity party. According to the article “Brock Turner’s Lawyer Tried to Blame the Victim’s Drinking During the Stanford Rape Trial”, Turner’s attorney, Michael Armstrong asked the victim about her height, her weight, her dinner – and he embarked upon a line of questioning that would seem to suggest she had it coming. (Lampen) He continued to ask the victim questions related to her college drinking habits in an attempt to gather details to try and justify Turner’s crime. According to Wayne State University psychology professor, Antonia Abbey in most cases like this, men tend to use alcohol to justify their crime although there is none, and never will be a legitimate justification for sexual