Never Go Out Alone: An Analysis Of College Rape Nordmeyer: Article Analysis

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Annotated References

Bedera, Nicole and Kristjane Nordmeyer. 2015. “‘Never Go Out Alone’: An Analysis Of College Rape Prevention Tips.” Sexuality & Culture 19(3):533–42.

In this article, Bedera and Nordmeyer focused on rape prevention and risk reduction tips displayed on 40 university websites. The 40 institutions studied were gender-mixed and had fraternities or sororities. Their findings revealed, that only 15 of the 40 schools provided tips on sexual assault prevention. Bedera and Nordmeyer gathered 494 tips, 397 were intended towards women, 69 intended towards men, and 27 were gender neutral. There were four tips that were repeatedly aimed at women, which were: women are vulnerable, there are no safe places for women, women should never be alone, and women can’t trust anyone. Bedera and Nordmeyer conclude that these tips make women rethink to themselves about how vulnerable they are or can be. The tips offered by institutions are biased and make a women believe she is at fault for being raped.
Exner, Deinera and Nina Cummings. 2011. “Implications For Sexual Assault Prevention: College Students as Prosocial Bystanders.” Journal of American College Health 59(7):655–57.

In this article, Deinera and Cummings state …show more content…

Hilinski determined a factor associated with the level of fear in crime women contain as to their actual risk of victimization. The example used was a woman’s size and strength compared to the offender. The study conducted surveyed 375 undergraduate students between the ages of 18 to 59. They surveyed students based on their experience of direct victimization of crime or acquaintance with someone who had. The study questioned participants on their involvement in extracurricular activities, athletics, sororities/fraternities, and jobs. The results determined that a women’s fear of being raped influences the fear of non-sexual crimes such as,