Post Traumatic Stress Essay

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Although everyone approaches stress differently it has been noted with students’ who experience a post traumatic event (PTE) or are diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that emotional and social support, such as counseling and group sessions led to the most growth of nonviolent conflict resolution. When faced with less severe levels of stress thirty minutes of exercise as well as meditation and deep breathing have shown high levels of success. Dangers of Substance Abuse as a Copying Method
A major concern within the college lifestyle is substance abuse. Using drugs and abusing alcohol are common equations in the daily life of a student. There are many social pressures to go out and become intoxicated. This notion brings …show more content…

For example, alcohol is a depressant so although the student may have felt relaxed and optimistic at the time of consumption, the next day chances are they are feeling the lows produced by alcohol. Additionally a common negative outcome of using substances to cope within the college lifestyle is sexual assault. Sexual assault has been an increasing problem. This increasing problem mirrors the increase in women who claim to partake in active binge drinking. Though women have higher rates of sexual assault, this danger affects men as well and is correlated to increased suicidal …show more content…

If an individual is faced with hardship and does not take action to increase hardy levels they may fall victim to depression and suicidal tendencies. To be hardy you must first take action. It is easy to feel bad for oneself and to lose sight of the beauties around us. For example if a student is struggling with the transition of moving away home for the first time and has not made any connects they may begin to feel self-pity. In conjunction to their loneliness add on academic stresses such as deadlines, peer pressure, and financial worry. With that in mind, it becomes easy for a student to give in to a more negative thought of mind. Therefore it is important to look for the positive aspects of life and to strive to face everyday with the notion that the sun will rise

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