Post Traumatic Stress Trauma Essay

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can occur after you have been through a Trauma. A trauma is a shocking or dangerous thing that has happened to you or that you have experienced, because of this you think other people’s lives or yours is in danger. About 6 of 10 men and 5 of 10 women experience at least one trauma in their life. Women are more likely to experience child abuse, and sexual assault whereas men are more likely to experience physical assault, combat, and disaster. More soldiers committed suicide in 2012 than the number of soldiers that were killed in combat in afghanistan.
PTSD affects the brain. The amygdala, the hippocampus and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex play a big role in triggering these flashbacks, thoughts, and symptoms of PTSD. Those parts of the brain impact the stress response mechanism in humans. Researchers now believe chronic trauma can inflict lasting damage to brain regions related to fear and anxiety. The course of PTSD are Outery (emotionally intense), Avoidance (withdrawal), Denial (Emotional numbing), Intrusions (thoughts that are …show more content…

Re experiencing symptoms are symptoms that involve reliving the traumatic event that has happened to them. Some medications that help people with ptsd are fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft), and paroxetine (Paxil). These medications can help intrusion which is nightmares, unwanted thoughts, and flashbacks. It helps avoidance, which is like avoiding conversations and places that give you that traumatic memory. Last it changes the mood people are in so their not in such a bad mood all the time and also helps negative thinking. You can’t prevent PTSD unless you try not be have any bad occurrences or memories or traumatic events that happen, but usually it depends on the way people deal with those