Post Traumatic Stress Crisis Essay

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Introduction There are many approaches to supporting young adolescents in crisis, such as, non-counselling methods like psychological first aid, additional technical models including strategies for, assessing, acting and listening in crisis intervention, or exercises associated to responding to trauma. In my assignment I will me providing group therapy for young adolescents that are recovering from a bus accident. I will describe interventions that require development training, supervision and specific skills. Throughout my assignment I will be providing the definition of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and exercises that could be practises in the hope of improving the individual’s emotional state. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental health condition that is triggered by a horrifying event — either witnessing it or experiencing it (Bisson, 2007: 399-401). Symptoms may include nightmares, severe anxiety, and flashbacks, as well as unruly thoughts about the event (Bisson, 2007: 399-401). PTSD is often misdiagnosed and misunderstood, even though the disorder presents with quite definite symptoms that comprise a clear psychiatric disorder. A diagnosis of PTSD is made when the symptoms result in an interference and distress in daily life (Bisson, 2007: 399-401). …show more content…

I will be using this method in the hope of normalizing their experience and reducing any reluctance to disclose their symptoms. Since some of the symptoms are delayed, emphasising symptoms during our intervention may prevent him or her from overreacting later if the PTSD symptoms does in fact occur (Bisson, 2007: 399-401). Reviewing their symptoms will also help them in overcoming their belief that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is only associated with veterans or war related issues (Bisson, 2007:

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