What Is Binge Drinking In College Essay

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In many of the colleges and universities in the United States today, there is a massive number of students who drink. Drinking has become such a normal thing for students as some students are consuming at least 5 drinks in a row at a point when at a social event. These events could range from fraternity parties, social gatherings where alcohol is offered or just for personal expenses. Drink excessive amounts of alcohol always lead to bad consequences, and some are even fatal. Binge drinking is dangerous, and it is causing deaths, grades to fall and very unhealthy. Binge drinking is defined by the Center for disease Control(CDC) as a pattern of drinking that brings a person's blood alcohol concentration(BAC) to 0.08 grams percent or above. (1).College students drink for a variety of reasons; some drink to either cope with stress, fall to peer pressure or just an alcoholic. About six times every day, someone in the USA dies of alcohol poisoning after drinking too much in a single binge, a new report says. (Painter). This is very alarming as individuals are losing their lives due to a simple decision they had taken. In a way, this effect from drinking should bring up attention as to why binge drinking is not healthy as it could be fatal if not taken a look at. …show more content…

Alcohol itself is an antidepressant, so its primary goal is to ensure that the individual already consumed with alcohol is at ease and does not feel any sort of stress or depression. This is why college students tend to binge drink because of the amount of stress they go endure to complete the assignments given to them. Generally, if one has good time management he should be able to do this with little stress or no stress at all. Those who fall to binge drinking are the students with no time management or try to rush to do everything at the last