Why Is Binge Drinking A Public Health Issue

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Why is binge drinking a public health issue?
Public health is the heath of the population. These are organized measures to make sure every person in the world is prevented from disease, to help promote health. It’s the prolonging of life and promoting health through everyone working together in society. Health campaigns can be used to inform people of the negative effects binge drinking can have. Health promotions are the procedure of enabling people to increase control over and to improve their health. These health promotions go beyond the focus of an individual and goes towards a wider range of interventions like social and environmental.

Costs of binge drinking
Research from the university of Bath (University of Bath, March 2015) …show more content…

If you drink on a regular basis and you consume a lot in a day, it therefore means that our skin is missing out on the vital supply of nutrients that they need. Binge drinking constantly can cause you to have major health problems like heart problems which may not affect a person at a younger age but when they get older this will affect them and it can cause them serious problems. Alcohol can cause severe damage to your liver, a lot of alcohol in a short period can cause strain on the vital organ. Therefore, as causes a lot of damage to many different things it is causing the NHS to spend more money on patients and an increase of equipment they need because there are more effects a person is having. Furthermore, binge drinking is a public health issue in the physical effects because it costs money to look after people with mental health problems as well as costing the NHS for prescribing any medicine that is needed for the individual’s skin if it has been …show more content…

This is a high percentage and is increasing more and more due to more people thinking that binge drinking is a good idea and they don’t know what they are doing when they are drunk so they don’t think that they are committing a crime. You are more vulnerable when you are drunk as you have no control over your body. Crimes that are reported to do with alcohol are estimated to cost around £8,000,000,000 to £11,000,000,000 pound per year. These statistics are from the 2010/11 prices. This therefore means that every month it’s costing £66,666,666.67 and every week it costs £153,846,153.85. Annual costs to employees are believed to be estimated to cost £6.4 billion, and for the NHS it is estimated £1.7 billion. This money could be used on treatments for dying patients with diseases like cancer which can save people’s lives but instead people think it is sensible to get drunk and drink way past their limits and end up at hospital after a heavy night out, people don’t think that going into hospitals costs a lot of money but it costs time and costs money on the NHS who are struggling already without the stupid behaviour of the ones who aren’t cautious with how much they are consuming. Alcohol related problems are responsible for 22,000 premature deaths each year. Young adults don’t understand fully the effects off what alcohol can do to people and when they think of