How Important Is The Concept 'Binge Drinking' Operationalized In The Article?

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How is the concept “binge drinking” operationalized in the article? That is, how is this construct measured? What questions/ indicators were created to measure this concept?

The concept of binge drinking is operationalized in the article by the information gathered of students consuming alcohol which is partaking in binge drinking. The influence of binge drinking has set up students to change their priorities and be influenced to throw away their education. The article is measured to bring knowledge and awareness to these actions for it is a serious matter to be addressed. The construct of students consuming alcohol, especially binge drinking is measured by the negativity that comes with it such as lack of motivation and discontinuation in their education. The questions or indicators that were created to measure the concept of students consuming alcohol which partakes in binge drinking is the benefit they gain from doing it. Is the satisfaction they feel worth risking especially to impress their peers, the more these habits are used …show more content…

The construct of consequences from binge drinking is measured by the power it demonstrates meaning it could change the lives of students by just the concept of experiencing it once. Binge drinking is a situation where it is difficult to be left alone once flattered enough to try. The questions and indicators that were created to measure each concept of binge drinking are independent variables and dependent variables to figure out what connected binge drinking with college students. The key concepts of the consequences of binge drinking are based on curiosity and the pressure from the peers before them. Overall, the article set a demonstration of how things would end up for the students if they continued to not be self aware of their

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