Alcohol And Culture Essay

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Our culture is related to alcohol, no matter where you live, always the environment that surrounds us will be the alcohol present, with millions of people who consume it and if for some people it does not mean any problem, for other people it will be more than a great Problem and a condemnation to his life. One of “the main reasons why alcohol is dangerous is that the person thinks to be immune to the secondary harm or disorders of alcohol” (Jellinek, 1960), these people are convinced that they will not get sick, that they will not have automobile accidents and problems with people. Basically is the feeling of egocentrism and self-control, which makes the consumer feel alcohol as a perk, making him believe invulnerable, that is to say that “the same product makes you feel that it does not hurt you, but it is a wrong concept because the individual is not going to give account when it is crossed the line, that is to say the transfer of being an occasional consumer” (Begleiter, 1984), to become a habitual consumer, then to pass to the dependence of this substance, and even one sees that the person is a dependent consumer, He does not realize his condition, but rather he learns by his friends and family of his problem. …show more content…

Ewing, 1984), alcoholism is a progressive disease, it manifests with an insatiable need to ingest alcoholic beverages, with a compulsive and uncontrollable desire, the sick has difficult for him to stop drinking, he loses control of himself and increases his dose, until he reaches intoxication. “Six out of 10 hospital admissions are in some way related to alcohol consumption” (SELZER, 1971), medics have found a link that relates to the patient with a direct or indirect relationship with alcohol, this provides us with a statistical data of 60% of Patients in hospitals, are hospitalized for some accident with