
Alcohol Consumption Affecting The Four Domains Of Human Development

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This paper will be examining how alcohol consumption at the age of 18- to 25 year-old will affect the four domains of human development: Cognitively, social, emotionally, and physically. Most young adults who drink believe that drinking take away anxiousness and bring happiness to their lives. But does it really bring joy to their lives in the end? Or is it just a temporally joy? These questions will be examined throughout the cognitive part of the domain. The beliefs and understanding of young adult’s opinion of drinking will also be discussed and will be exploring how socially young adults are affected by alcohol; mainly, the relationship the family and friends. How young adults are affected emotionally is another component that will be examined. Can it be pride? Because if his or her friends start drinking, that person will most likely to drink to be like the friends. It can also be stress, anxiety, or anger that make young adults drink. By 18- to 25 year-old, everyone knows that alcohol can bring negative effect to the body, but how badly can it damage the body? These are the questions that will be answered in this paper. October,2014 Term Paper: What Affects Do Alcohol Consumption Give To the Young Adults …show more content…

By the age of nineteen, most young adults enter colleges and gain more freedom as an independent person: freedom to sleep whenever, freedom to eat or drink, and freedom to make choices. These may sound pleasant; however, freedom has brought various issues commonly faced by 18 – to 25 – years old. Among the various issues, alcohol consumption has been one of the top issues faced by the young adults. This paper will explore how alcohol consumption is affecting the young adults in the four domains of the human development: cognitively, socially, emotionally, and

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