
Hereditary Vs. Environmental Video Infographic

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The cause of Alcoholism and alcohol dependence has been the subject of many discussions and debates. These range from scholarly discussions to personal conversations. Individuals with parents and relatives who are alcoholics either fear drinking or use the presences of alcoholism as an excuse to live in that lifestyle. There are also those who believe it is purely caused by environmental factors. Despite the different ends of this debate, it seems that most people can agree that there is not one factor that leads to alcohol issues. The most rational conclusion seems to be that it is a combination of a person's environment and their genetic predispositions that can lead to alcoholism and/or alcohol dependence. Both views will be looked and it …show more content…

The media portrays drinking as fun and as an activity that leads to happiness and as a social lubricant to improve social interaction. The first video that talks about the social part of drinking is the video “Hereditary vs Environmental Video Infographic.” This video talks about the different sides of this discussion and shows the evidence of both environmental aspects and hereditary evidence. This video also breaks down which regions drink more, the correlation between education and drinking and family income as it relates to drinking. This section of the paper will be focusing on the social environmental aspects of drinking that are presented in this video. This video states that people primarily drink to socialize, this accounts for about 39% of the reason why people drink. This seems to be the most prominent because it is shown in high regards in movies and on television. The video also shows that people are more likely to drink at home if they are entertaining others. These two statistics seem to be positively correlated. People are more likely to drink when they are around others and when they are trying to bring people into their homes, into their inner circles. The most logical reason for the positive correlation between socialization and drinking seems to be heavily influenced, if not fully caused, by media. This is important because this adds a new factor to the environmental aspect of the cause of alcoholism and alcohol dependence. The evidence in the video show that a more social environment increases alcohol consumption. The video “Project BS,” which is a psychology experiment that was conducted by psychology students for their class. The students held a party and supplied the beers, the twist was the beer was 0% alcohol. The video shows that people will act drunk, even if they

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