Annotated Bibliography: Alcohol And Substance Abuse In Judaism

1133 Words5 Pages

LSC 2533 Research Methods
Journal Article Reviews

Name: Khaled Mohammed Alteneiji
ID: H002474842
Section: 6TB

Article 1

Section 1
Source: HCT Libraries page >Discover>Electronic Resources
Search terms: Alcohol addiction

Section 2

Title: Addiction: Alcohol and Substance Abuse in Judaism

This article outlines a history of rulings and beliefs about addiction in Judaism, covering alcohol and substance use and addiction, in the context of a brief account of the development of the status of addiction. It examines the prevalence of alcohol and substance use and abuse among Jews, including a discussion of some of the difficulties in estimating prevalence and of factors involved in changing patterns of use and …show more content…

M. (2014). Addiction: Alcohol and substance abuse in judaism. Religions, 5(4), 972-984.

Search terms: Alcohol addiction

Section 3

Title: Addiction: Alcohol and Substance Abuse in Judaism

This article takes place in Israel, Russia, USA and UK. Focusing on the Jews in the 20th century and 21th century.

Research Approach
The article takes a mix approach because it includes both quantitative and qualitative.

Participant selection
This article discusses the history of addiction in Judaism. It focuses on alcohol and substance use and abuse. It’s outlining biblical and rabbinic rulings, past and present, and looking at the development of the status of addiction.

Main results
There are a lot of humors that haunt the Jewish community. This article focused on alcohol addiction not other forms of addiction and dependency, such as gambling, pornography and the Internet.

Section 4 Ranking: …show more content…

(2015). Alcohol Addiction – A Psychosocial Perspective. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 536-540. Retrieved December 9, 2015, from

Search terms: Alcohol addiction

Section 3

Title: Alcohol Addiction - A Psychosocial Perspective

The population of the article grouped their responses into 8 categories like sex, age, origin, education, socio-economic background, level of education, marital status. The subjects are between 20 and 60 years old. The article was conducted in iasi romanina on 13,may 2015.

Research Approach
The research approach is quantitative because the used a questionnaire that they designed containing 35 items in order to carefully measure the questionnaire`s precision and it`s reliability also they managed to calculate the alfa Cronbach index

Participant selection
The article describe that the secretion were equality distributed. They were distributed by gender, educational level and socio- economic variables.


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