Alcoholism Informative Speech

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What is Alcoholism?

Millions of people in the use struggle with alcohol dependency or alcoholism. Alcohol dependency become apparent when people can not function properly without taking a drink or two. At first people don't notice the shift and others would just scoff at it saying, a glass of wine or a couples of beers INS enough to throw the in the same wagon as people with substance abuse problems. A!COBOL is insidious, you won't know how far you have fallen until you realise that you are obsessed with it and cannot control how, what and when you need that drink. When decisions that you have to make are encumbered on the alcohol you need to DRI k to "think clearly" then you've a problem with alcohol.

What Causes Alcoholism?

Scientists have conducted numerous studies on what causes alcoholism and have come up with some interesting results. Scientists believe that there is a gene that makes certain people more likely to develop alcoholism. This special gene has not been identifies but the fact that there are great new that heighten the effects of alcohol in the human body alludes to some sort of gene or biological trigger that alcoholics have. People with this gene are able tolerate massive amounts of alcohol in a bid to chase the high, while they down one glass after another before the get the buzz. Most people are okay with just a glass or two of alcohol and can stop themselves from drinking further. An alcoholic cannot do that. There is no off-switch and no point where the mind tells him or her to stop. …show more content…

Parents unknowingly imprint this idea that being an alcoholic is normal. They become bad role models in this regarding and children of such parents will take to alcohol easily as a normal way to deal with stress or they may regard it as a normal thing that even if the conditions they grew up in were adversely affected by alcohol abuse. In this case nurture is to blame not

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