
Aldous Huxley's Education System In Brave New World

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Education is a very important piece of a society. Society needs varying types of people to function, and education provides this diversity within the community. Without education, the society will slowly fall apart. In Brave New World, their education is, at first glance, very different from modern day’s. But on closer inspection there are many similarities and differences in the education systems.
The Education System in The World State is very different from ours. Their main methods of teaching include hypnopaedia and infant conditioning. This teaches the members of the society to hate books and nature, while being not only content, but happy, in the caste they were born in to. They use these to dissuade people from subjects the government does not approve of. On the other side, our government uses methods such as public and private schooling, common core, and whatever control it may have over media outlets to educate society. These are very different methods of educating the societies. …show more content…

They both serve the same purpose, to control what information the public receives, and how they receive it. The World State uses hypnopaedia and infant conditioning to make sure they receive the information that the government wants them to receive. Our government uses different methods for this, but for the same effect. The United States, through common core, taught students what a great and wonderful person Christopher Columbus was. It wasn’t until later in life, through our own independent research, we learned that we were given lies. We were fed false information by our government to preserve the figure of the man who “supposedly” founded our

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