Alexander Hamilton: Motivation, Struggle, And Compromise

717 Words3 Pages

Isabel Balek

Mrs. Guritz

English 11

January 12 2023 Final Essay Motivation, struggle, and compromise. These are the things needed to be able to transform one's life. People need to be able to have a foundation to start from, and push them to change. Compromise plays a role in transformation in many ways. We work together and compromise with others, as well as ourselves with things like accepting mistakes and that we can’t always be perfect or get things done the first time. Struggles are what people learn and gain experience from as well. All of these together create transformation. If change is going to happen, there has to be motivation and push. In the musical Hamilton, it showed how Alexander Hamilton’s life was growing up. He had a hard time going through the abandonment of his father, and death of his mother. In the musical, it says “How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the Caribbean by providence, impoverished, in squalor, grow up to be a hero and a scholar?” (Miranda Hamilton 2015). Alexander was at the bottom while he was …show more content…

It can get others in to support the person and help them along the way. In Thomas Jefferson’s “Declaration of Independence” , he states the many things that are happening that are wrong. He gives specific things that are going on that are unfair and unacceptable treatment. With his direct examples he gives many reasons to back him up. During his whole reasoning he is constantly compromising with himself and others. He has to think about if he has enough to back his reasons up and make sure that he has people with him. Eventually things do change and people listen to him and his reasoning. Many compromises are made and the lives of many people are impacted and transformed. Compromises are very important to make with others and ourselves when trying to have a