Alexander Hamilton Research Paper

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He was born in january 22,1782 in albany new york. He was in the u.s. Secretary.
From the time he is dressed in the morning till nine o'clock the time for breakfast excepted he is to read law. Certain evenings and weekend afternoons were apparently the only time the young man had to himself. And it was on the Friday evening of November 20, 1801 that Philip Hamilton's tragedy began. On the evening of November 20 Philip and his friend Richard Price attended a performance of a comedy called The West-Indian at Manhattan's Park Theater. There they spotted a 27 year old Republican lawyer named George Eacker. Four months earlier, Eacker had given a speech suggesting that Alexander Hamilton wanted to use the U.S. Army of which he had been inspector …show more content…

The duel took place in new jersey the same place where the hearing of the events, the elder Hamilton rushed to the home of Dr.david hosack the same physician who would later attend him after his own fatal duel in 1804. Alexander wished to inform Hosack that they may need his medical services. Hosack's family told Hamilton that he, having already heard about the duel, had already left for the home of John and Angelica Church Philip's aunt and uncle were the young Hamilton had been taken. Hosack wrote that when Alexander had arrived at the Hosacks' home he "was so much overcome by his anxiety that he fainted and remained some time in my family before he was sufficiently recovered to proceed to the Church home to see his son. When Hamilton arrived, he observed the pale and ashen appearance of Philip's face and tested his pulse. According to Hosack he instantly turned from the bed and taking me by the hand which he grasped with all the agony of grief he exclaimed in a tone and manner that can never be effaced from my memory Doctor I despair. According to his so psychiatrist Allan McLane Hamilton, the younger Philip manifested much of his father's sweetness and happy disposition and was always notably …show more content…

During his stay at boarding school he frequently wrote letters to his family his frother write a letter to his teacher also informs me that you recited a lesson the first day you began, very much to his satisfaction I expect every letter from him will give me a fresh proof of your progress for I know you can do a great deal if you please. Where he know what to do in school and larind what i don't know troup wrote however that despite Hamilton's certainty that Philip was destined for greatness alas Philip is a sad rake and I have serious doubts whether he would ever be an honour to his family. As the young Hamilton lay on the ground bleeding, he displayed, as described by both sides, exemplary poise and dignity. "His manner on the ground was calm and composed beyond expression the New York Post reported. The idea of his own danger seemed to be lost in anticipation of the satisfaction which he might receive from the final triumph of his generous moderation. Philip was then rushed across the river to the home of his aunt angelica schuyler church in Manhattan. She wrote His conduct was extraordinary during this. Upon hearing of the events, the elder Hamilton rushed to the home of Dr. david