Sir Phillip Sidney Research Paper

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Sir Philip Sidney was a courtier, English poet, soldier, and scholar, and remembered as one of the most outstanding figures of the Elizabethan age. He became famous for his poetry and death as a soldier during the English Renaissance. He was also considered the classic polished man of his day. Sir Phillip Sidney had to some extent a popular family and a different childhood, a popular family, and he had multiple occupations. Sir Phillip Sidney had a popular family and a childhood unlike most childhoods. He was born November 30, 1554 in Penshurst, England (Doris). His Spanish godfather and his grandmother-in-law and her husband John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland (Kuin). Philip’s parents had three more children, including Mary Sidney, and she …show more content…

One of Sidney’s careers was that he was a diplomat. In 1572 he was appointed in the diplomatic service for the first time, where he was an envoy to the king of France who was King Charles IX (Ringler). He also provided diplomatic service for Queen Elizabeth in Europe (Ringler). A Second job he had as a young man was he was a courtier poet. He wrote multiple poems and sonnets such as Astrophil and Stella, Old Arcadia, New Arcadia, The Defence of Poetry, and around 40 more poems and sonnets (Kuin). Sir Philip Sydney was considered almost as good as the man William Shakespeare himself because of how good he was at portraying female characters, and his sonnet Astrophil and Stella is considered the finest sonnet cycle after Shakespeare’s (Kuin). Another job he had is he was a patron of scholars and of poets (Doris). A patron of scholars and of poets is a person who inspires highly intelligent people and poets. Sir Philip Sidney’s final job and the job that would lead to his death is he was a soldier. He had a little bit of military time, but he got a wound in his left thigh on the 23rd of September 1586 and died on October 17th, at Arnhem (Ringler). Sir Philip Sidney had a lot of interesting jobs.
Sir Philip Sidney had a popular family, he had multiple jobs, and had to some extent a popular family and a different childhood. He died October 17, 1586, Arnhem, Netherlands from a wounded thigh that could not be treated properly. When Sidney was 17 he went on a tour of the continent sent by his uncle the Earl of Leicester to international rations and languages. Sir Philip Sidney was the gentleman of his day and has the best poetry after

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