Alexander The Great Research Paper

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Alexander the Great has been regarded by many historians as a great person. Many historians say that he spared some people. Since he spared only some people, many other people were dead or killed because of him. Alexander the Great wasn’t great at all. He was a greedy and insensitive human. Alexander is seen as a superior person, but that was only because of his father. His father put many long months developing the army, but when he passed it to Alexander, Alexander called his father’s army his own. Alexander does not deserve that achievement. The credits should have gone to King Philip and the Macedonian army. Alexander was a ruthless person. He destroyed many cities. In some cases, he erased pieces of history. Alexander didn’t allow anything to stand in his way. If it did, he would demolish it just for the fun of it, and this went for not just buildings. He even mistreated his loyal advisors. Alexander was a mean conqueror in history. It is estimated that Alexander slaughtered over one hundred thousand innocent men and enslaved tens of thousands of innocent women and children. He …show more content…

He wanted to capture all of Asia. He decided to conquer India. Alexander came and thrashed India. There were 3 years of ruthless killing of Indian people. The attack claimed 80,000 Indian lives “Alexander The Great." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Alexander then sold Indian women into slavery. Also, when Alexander was fighting with King Porus of India, he killed many Indian natives who resisted and attempted to flee. When Alexander was conquering India, he met the Brahmins to learn Hinduism. After getting what he wanted to know, he executed the Brahmins. Alexander wanted to keep on conquering and capture the entirety of India, but his men were put under horrible weather conditions to fight and started a revolt. Alexander had to cut short his plan and angrily left India. Discovering Our Past: Ancient