Alexander The Great's Influence On The Hellenistic Era

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Victoria Towers Western Civ Term Paper December 10th, 2017 HIST 1101 Mrs. Stacey Fitch Alexander the What? Alexander the Great? Alexander III? He is known to be called many names in his lifetime and today. Good names or bad, the serious question today is why is he known as “Alexander the Great”? Why do students in the classroom learn to call him that when they never really know what he did that was so great? The influence he had on the Hellenistic Era was just the beginning to proving him to be “great” after all. July 356 B.C will forever go down in history as the birth of one true legend. The childhood of Alexander the Great was not what most people imagined a son of the king of Macedon and Queen Olympia. Growing up, he hardly saw his father, that being his father was always too focused on life outside of his home. King …show more content…

Yes, that is one way he is considered to be great, but not the only reason, by far. Aristotle played a huge role in the success of Alexander’s royal duties. Alexander was trained by him in Philosophy. Aristotle taught Alexander many things, giving him such a big credit of Alexander’s success. Alexander also tamed the horse, Bucephalus. That is a huge accomplishment and is another way he is known as being great. Alexander crossed the Hellespont, as well as defeated the Persians. Not only did Alexander do those things, he also founded twenty cities and usually named them after himself. One being Alexandria, which became Poster Child for Librarians. Founding cities was just a simple task to his huge plan… extending Empire into India. Those are some of the many reasons as to why Alexander is considered to be