
Alfred Hitchcock's Use Of Film Techniques In Veertigo

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Director Alfred Hitchcock uses various forms of cinematic language throughout Vertigo to create more than just a movie, but a masterful work of film art. During the first scene, the protagonist, John “Scottie” Ferguson, is seen hanging from a gutter during an investigation of his as a detective. It is here that the viewer is inexplicitly presented one of the character’s major flaws. By looking down the alley with the camera, a visual effect is used to create a sort of tunnel vision from the point of view of Scottie. After seeing the panic in his eyes and sweat on his face, one might conclude that he has a fear of heights. It is shortly thereafter revealed that this is indeed the case. Quick cuts and close-ups are two more techniques that Hitchcock used frequently in this psychological thriller. As Scottie trails Gavin Elster’s wife, Madeleine, he followers her to …show more content…

After the tragic event at the Mission leaving Scottie deeply depressed, he finds a woman, Judy, who has an uncanny resemblance to Madeleine. Whether Scottie actually thought it might have been Madeleine or if he just wanted to fill the hole in his heart, he insists that Judy change her appearance to be exactly like Madeleine. It is revealed to the viewer only that it is indeed Madeleine, and that she was to run off with Gavin after taking part in a scheme to murder his real wife. Instead, she had fallen in love with Scottie, and she decides to stay with him. One evening, after Scottie helps Judy put on a necklace, the camera quickly zooms in to Scottie and cuts to a close-up of the necklace. A flashback to the art museum shows the woman in the painting, Madeleine’s great-grandmother, wearing the same necklace. At this point, Scottie has realized that he was just a tool in Gavin’s murder plot, and his investigation is finally complete. The only action left to do for Scottie is to free himself from his

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