
Algorithm Set Aside By Dr. Ridel

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In this essay, I will give briefly explain about how this course impacted my life by identifying my barriers and implementing the Algorithm set aside by Dr. Ridel. How I discovered my barriers and utilizing credible and reliable sources and my apparent inability to act on the problem. I did not realize prior to this course that I had a huge barriers, one being my emotions, which has been a serious flaw in my journey of critical thinking. To overcome this barrier I had to admit that using my emotions is totally irrelevant. By learning feelings are not facts, it impairs critical thinking searching reliable information to demonstrate that using emotions will impair a positive outcome. Now, that I understand this problem I can apply spotting techniques that have aided in not using my emotions to solve a problem. Furthermore, when solving a problem, I try to spot myself when I revert back to my old habits. I’ve also have asked for my friends and family to assist me in my attempts to eliminate the use of this critical barrier. I’ve learned one of the most important factors of this course is to obtain the correct answer you must ask the …show more content…

Ridel’s five steps of problem-solving to find evidence based solutions for my health. I realize the importance of evidence-based medicine, identifying the true problem and discovering the root cause of the problem compared to looking only at the surface of the problem. Originally, the problem was I had a low functioning thyroid and was taking synthetic base medicines with no positive outcome. As I learned in the class about problem-solving, I started researching what my real problem was. I found out my thyroid wasn’t the problem, it was the victim. With this new approach, I have implemented the diet appropriate, supplements and vitamins, with my new doctor we are now evaluating the effectiveness and adjusting. Using the problem-solving strategies that I’ve acquired over this course has helped

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