
Alicia Elliot Unearth

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Like a good criminal, the Canadian government worked hard to hide the bodies of the young lost to residential schools. For the author's intended message to be retained by the reader over time, literary devices are crucial in storytelling. They encourage the reader to reflect more deeply on word choice. Through irony, symbolism, and repetition, Alicia Elliot's short story "Unearth" illustrates to some extent the harm caused by the segregation and appalling treatment endured in residential schools.

Throughout the story, Alicia Elliots' “Unearth” uses repetition to engrain key points into the reader's mind. “Buy 10 get 1 free, buy 8 get 1 free and a lighter” shows signs encouraging and promoting alcohol and nicotine to at-risk persons …show more content…

‘Unearth’ is symbolic of how the culture and identity of indigenous cultures have been suppressed and or lost recently due to the effects of colonization. As well as a direct reference to digging up the lost people due to residential schools. The fact that a “fast food restaurant” was built over the grounds of a residential school is symbolic of the fact that indigenous lives and culture have been covered up by capitalism and colonialism. This shows the complete disregard for the respect that should be given to those who lost their lives in residential schools. “Henry's body” is evidence of the hardships and trauma residential schools have caused. His body was forgotten and buried beneath the restaurant. Sybloising the suppression of the history and culture of indigenous peoples. Symbolism is an important tool used by Alicia Elliot because it allows the reader to think deeper and discover a secondary meaning between the key points of the …show more content…

“Father Landry suggested that the kids go to residential schools to be saved properly.” As the religious leader suggests the children should attend residential schools to be ‘saved’ when in fact many kids going to residential schools by force or choice ended up dead and forgotten. Families clueless to the where abouts of their loved ones taken. Shows how little regard many had for the well-being of the children. “I'm fine please continue” This sentence is ironic in this situation while being toured the makeshift grave of her brothers at a residential school. Most people would have strong feelings when visiting and or finding the grave of a loved one lost. Especially when their life was lost to government-mandated residential schools. Irony allows the reader to think deeper into the cultural and societal views of those attending compared to those in charge of residential

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