Alienated Labour Rhetorical Analysis

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According to Karl Marx, in Alienated Labor, he believes that labor power becomes a commodity. He states “alienation is shown not only in the result but also in the process of production, in the producing activity itself.” Although Immanuel Kant explains in Groundwork for the Metaphysic of Morals his different views, his ending principles in philosophy come to agreement with Marx’s views. John Stuart Mill in Utilitarianism, on the other hand, has a completely different view on the Greatest Happiness Principle. Now, what precisely does Marx mean when he says “Man is a species- being”? Marx states that labor “not only produces commodities. It also produces itself and the worker as a commodity, and indeed in the same proportion as it produces …show more content…

“Irrational beings are a mean to an end.” (Kant, 28) It additionally implies that we ought to only take in as a maxim the things we would be willing for all of us to live by in a kingdom/world in which those consequences/ends derived to be real. Part of the Categorical Imperative means that you ought to act as though you live in a faultless community and generate your own rules built upon what your obligation is telling you to do. A Kingdom of Ends would be the general public in which all societies were treated as ends within themselves and under no circumstances as means to anyone 's longings/desires. So as an example, “no father will use his son (or anyone else) as a means to his own gratification, but only for the sake of his son 's own benefit” (KOE) Everyone then would be appreciated as individuals, and not as things for somebody 's use. It is a maxim to forbid people from using other individual’s and if they do, they are not handling them as people but as objects. Defining the kingdom (realm) of end, we treat each other as end rather than as means to be used and this kingdom is only an ideal.