All I Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten By Robert Fulghum

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Have you ever had a time in your life when you made the same mistake twice and you know that you have been told that life lesson earlier in life. Well don’t feel bad everyone has and then they look back at the time that they made that mistake and they learn. One life lesson that I learned in kindergarten and still use today is teamwork. Teamwork is a life lesson that you will use no matter how old you are. “ All I need to know I learned in kindergarten” is a book by Robert Fulghum that states some life lessons that you learn in kindergarten that will help you out as you get older. Some examples of this is when you play on a sports team, In the workforce, and when you come to a time in your life when you just need someone to lean on. As you can see teamwork is a life lesson that you will have to use even when you get out of …show more content…

The reason why you need this when you are on a sports team is because one person can’t do it all. Vince lombardi once said “there's no I in team.” This means that everyone has a job to do and everyone else is relying on that one person to do their job. The second example of when you need to use teamwork is when you are working in the workforce. The reason why you need to use teamwork in the workforce is because it makes things go faster. The reason why it makes a difference is because if one person does their job and everyone has a job this means that everyone will be done earlier because everyone has done their job. The last example of when you need to use teamwork is when times get hard in life and you just need someone to lean on. The reason why you need to use teamwork in this situation is because it will make things easier. One example of this is when you have bills that you have to pay but you don’t have enough money to pay them. When you have someone else on your side that you can rely on then they can add the money to it so you will have