
All That Is Solid Melts Into The Air Essay

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The second essay is basically a continuation of Essay#1, as it deals with the concepts that have been used in the communist manifesto, such as Class; Bourgeoisies, Proletariats, along with the concept of ‘all that is solid, melts into the air’ and lastly this essay will shed light on two different interpretations of communist manifesto as a piece of work.
Marx separated the classes by the following point: the relationship of the owners of the capital (bourgeoisie) and the workforce (proletariat), which is the relationship between boss and the worker. In our society, the classes, regardless of the economic situation, share the same common goal i-e profit. This idea is the root of capitalism, supply and demand, which generate competition, promoting economic freedom of choice, but that all the end comes down to making money for consumption of various goods, leisure, etc. The relationship between both …show more content…

This basically is an another form of communist manifesto, written by Marshall Berman during 1971 to 1981, while the written piece was published in 1982 in New York. The core aim of the book is to examine the relationship between socio-economic modernization with modernism. The core aim of the author is to enhance the text written by Karl Marx and his student Friedrich Engels. In his book Berman argues that modernization school of thought is leading towards the stage of self-destruction due to its nature of exploitation and class distribution. The book is basically divided in several sections but the core focus of the book is to signify the exploitative and manipulative system of governance of capitalist system which is backed by modernization school of thought. The book basically is a piece which overtly criticizes the currently practiced capitalist system of exploiting the lower class while enhancing the already higher status of the rich people or bourgeoisies in the

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