Allegory In Watership Down

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In the small community of Barton Hollow, residing in their quaint home on Cherry Tree Lane, lived the Darlington daughters. Wondrous words were whistled within their town, pertaining to the whimsical nature of the four Angelic sisters. The eldest, Charlotte, was known for always having her nose stuck in a book and her amazing writing ability that flowed freely through her palms when she applied herself to a challenge. Although short-tempered and sometimes quite childlike, Charlotte was there when she was needed and was often referred to as “the second mom” on more than one occasion. The second eldest, Florence-the brains of the family- was quite remarkable when any math or science equation was placed in her line of vision. She continuously …show more content…

In many stories, pictures, fables, parables, etc. allegories are present to give a glance of the concealed message. One fable in particular is, Watership Down, written by Richard Adams. Compared to the narrative, Sisters Are Not to Be Trifled With, these two pieces of texts are very similar. The tale of Watership Down, surrounds the journey of Hazel and his gang of bunnies, fighting their way towards survival. When leaving their original burrow for somewhere much safer, the group experiences many dangers along their way towards a safe haven. One example in particular, is when Hazel and his friends stumble upon a hare named Cowslip, and his dangerous warren. “The warren? You’re going to the warren? You fools! That warren’s nothing but a death hole! The whole place is one foul elil’s larder! It’s snared-everywhere, every day” (Adams, 115). This quote describes the fact that both the narrative and novel, contain allegories and represent different meanings. In the narrative, an allegory present can be good will always conquer evil, or family is strongest when together. In the novel, an allegory found with Cowslip’s warren could be if something seems to good to be true, it most likely is, as well as the theme it is important to be wary of something that comes to easy. This quote also clearly depicts how allegory works. There is an overall theme of a story-the surface- and then there is a deeper, more insightful meaning. Take Shakespeare for example. It is not the words used itself, but the meaning behind the “foreign and complicated” language. In life everyone faces stories with similar story lines. Sometimes they appear completely different, but are really the same in the smallest ways. All stories tend to have an allegory hidden beneath the surface, and it takes special kind of people to dig deeper and discover their true