Allegory Of Coming Out In Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis

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People who come out can see others treat them differently when the people around them act differently towards them. In the Novel called Metamorphosis the was written by Franz Kafka, we see the example of someone coming out. In this novel, there are allegories which relate to a family member coming out. Three allegory examples are people feeling body dissatisfaction, a family member can show physical abuse and isolation after coming out connect to adolescent psychology. Thesis: The book Metamorphosis shows the allegory for the main character coming out and the treatment the main character is receiving from their family members and the way they feel about their body after coming out. If readers think about people, the same way that they think about the main character named Gregor then the example of people coming out suggests that those people can feel bad about how they look. In chapter one of the novel Metamorphosis,we can see a quote that says, “What’s happened to me?” This quote is telling about how shocked Gregor is with the way he looks he could be dissatisfied with the way he is now since he is really confused about how he turned out the way he is. Now we can see Gregor’s family thinking if they do not give any attention to Gregor that he will go away. …show more content…

We can see an example in chapter two of one of Gregor’s family members is hurting Gregor during this part it said, “It was an apple; then another one immediately flew at him; Gregor froze in shock; there was no longer any point in running as his father had decided to bombard him” (36). This quote shows Gregor’s dad throwing apples at Gregor harshly and it even said in the book that Gregor could not see