Allround Pharmaceutical Company Case Analysis

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This is to outline the strategy deployed for the period 0-3 for Allround Management. The primary objectives of the company is to emerge as a leader in the Pharmaceutical industry by providing quality product with highest net income, highest stock prices, compromising the major share of the wallet and being leader of the highest manufacturer sales. From the last quarter, the brand is struggling with declining market share due to a steep increase in the competition & mixed consumer perceptions. A brief snapshot of the developments from Period 0-3 is tabulated below. Exhibit 1 shows the period wise net income growth: Period 0 Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Net Income $67.2 Million $81.8 Million $94.0 Million $94.2 Million Manufacturer sales $355.3 …show more content…

But the benefits provided was justified by the higher premium charged. Due to its effectiveness, the price increase did not hurt the customers as it was the most effective medicine in cold relief. Moreover, in order to curb the effect of inflation, I increased the price of the product during the periods. I also found that our price is close to tradeoff (exhibit 2) and thus the price can be increased. Since our bulk volume is being sold by wholesalers, it was decided to give major discounts to this category.
Promotion: The major task was to increase the brand awareness amongst the customers, in addition to the retailer support and desired shelf space positioning the product against BestHelp and CoughCure. Since my major sales is through in direct sales, I incentivized the wholesalers, merchandizers and detailers. Exhibit 3 shows the % distribution of the budget allocation for advertising and promotion. Since, I did not substantially increase my promotions in period 3, my stock price and net income bore the brunt. I also used promotions by use of social media.

It should be our foremost concern to target sales channels which have more growth potential.
Salesforce: The success of the brand depended on the skillful deployment of the salesforce. I increased the salesforce from 133 to 152 in order to increase revenue, and increase sales volume of Allround. I increased the salesforce in