Alyss Beddor Chapter 2 Summary

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In the beginning of the novel, Alyss is characterized as innocent, curious, and ingenious. Beddor introduces Alyss as innocent by saying “ I know,” Alyss said sulkily. She had never met her aunt Redd, but she’d heard stories about the woman for as long as she could remember. She didn’t bother trying to understand it all; it was history- boring boring boring. But she knew that to be like Aunt Redd wasn’t good.” (Beddor 22). She knows no better than to play tricks and want to do what she wants to do because it's her birthday and she is 7. Beddor says Alyss is curious by stating “ And being queen isn’t easy; muttered Bibwit Harte. ”The position comes with tremendous responsibilities. One has to study law and government and ethics and morality.