Essay About The Choices I Have Made In Life

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“If I died right now, will I have any regrets about the choices I 've made in life?”
I chose this question because the choices you make in life, impact you every day.
One simple choice has the power to affect you for the rest of your life and can make you rethink about certain steps you 've taken in life. This question makes me want to sit down and think about life and the choices I 've made in it. Not everyone is perfect in life and mistakes can be made by anyone. This quote also renders moral perspective, when at the face of committing an unjust action I take into consideration how it may affect me later on and how rather than being a life lesson it will be a reminder of constant guilt and regret.

Ambitious …show more content…

Allowing myself to do this I can view the world as more detailed and less simple. Being able to see the depths of life I gain knowledge with an open mind. The color purple is often times associated with the third eye. The third eye is being enlightened in a perspective that others often don’t see.

A Jagged Puzzle:
I used a Jagged puzzle to symbolize my personality because I allow myself to fit in any environment. I have an open mind and am able to accommodate myself to different situations. When meeting an individual I can easily put myself in their shoes and understand their perspective on life. In any social gathering, I often get along with everyone because I don’t have a fixed personality. I get along with almost everyone because I know when to stay within my limits and take feelings into consideration. I have a broad understanding of human emotions and visual communication and can easily tell what type of person someone is because of my past experience with different environments and an open mind to different