American Born Chinese Character Analysis

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ABC Response(3) After finish the whole book of American Born Chinese. It make me understand people could not change their own identity, even though they like it or hate it. Jin Wang was always been racists and bullying in his identity in the school. Jin-Wang want to act more like an American to get into the white group. He’s down to be an Asian because people are judging him base on his color, race and culture. Therefore, his reaction, and talks cause him became the center of attention. To deal with his crisis of identity, he transforms himself to Danny as what he was always expected . The character shown in the third narrative of the novel. when he has to deal the grotesque representation of Chinese stereotypes that his cousin, Chin-Kee displays. …show more content…

And he had been test for forty years to remaining free of human vice.When Wei-Chen first attended to school. Wei-Chen he presented as a immigration from Taiwanese, he acts like a nerdy with glasses on. After Jin Wang kissed Suzy Nakamura, Wei-Chen’s Japanese girlfriend. Them three have a falling out. Then Wei-Chen turns to angry Asian American hipster. He started to give up the mission from Tze-Yo-Tzuh. Wei-Chen he’s identity of monkey are subtly and baltantly in the story. He has the same reaction and motional act when Monkey King was buried under a mountain by Tze-Yo-Tzuh for five thousand years. But after released by Wong-Lai-Tso, Monkey King became more docile and sensible. In page 220, Money King said to Wei-Chen; “ Wei-Chen, please you must give an accounting of yourself at the end of your test! How will you face to Tze-Yo-Tzuh!” He knew his son is giving up the emissary, but he did not punish him or like yell at him. The more, he act like a father, being patient to his son. And from his tone, he try to remind his son’s that the mission from Tze-Yo-Tzuh is very important. He’s trying his best to exhort Wei-Chen. Moreover, Monkey King visiting Jin- Wang to reveal the true form to Jin Wang. In page 221. Monkey King; “ I came to serve as your conscience- As a signpost to your soul.” Monkey King tells Jin Wang conscience, not as a punishment. No matter how he dislike his own