American Counseling Association Essay

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Roles of the American Counseling Association
The American Counseling Association (ACA) is dedicated to supporting counselor professional development (American Counseling Association [ACA], 2023). The American Counseling Association is a professional organization that advocates for the counseling profession while also protecting clients by enforcing ethical, culturally inclusive practices (ACA, 2023).
According to the American Counseling Association (2023), they provide the guidance and support essential for success during its members’ professional journeys. The ACA provides professional ethical advice, discounted liability insurance, and the chance to market one's practice in accordance with the ACA Code of Ethics (ACA, 2023). The ACA also offers advocacy training and continuing education credit, career consultations, and foundation grants for members who apply for support (ACA, 2023). It seems that obtaining membership with the ACA, allows the counselor to access essential resources and services that aid in both professional and personal development.
Current Issues …show more content…

According to the American Counseling Association (2023), they are committed to nondiscrimination and to the prevention of harassment in all forms for all people. Advocacy Competencies and Competencies for Counseling Transgender Clients are the two competencies that the ACA endorsed to address harassment and discrimination (ACA, 2023). The ACA (2023) states that they stand in solidarity with all individuals and their basic human right to access public restrooms and changing rooms that match their gender identity. The ACA also stands in solidarity with immigrants, refugees, and communities of all religious faiths (ACA, 2023). According to the ACA (2023), members help advocate for equity and fair treatment for all people and groups in order to end oppression and